31 Days of Song: “Fingerprints of God”

I’m thinking today about beauty.  Do you know you’re beautiful?  The Bible says so.  Psalm 45:11:  “The King is enthralled by your beauty; honour Him, for He is your LORD”.  Are you honouring Him?  Because He honours you.  “You are precious and honoured in My sight” – Isaiah 43:4, but the world won’t tell you that.  Its message is different, right from when you’re a child.

There was a kids’ programme I used to love about 7 dolls and they all had something wrong with them.  One had its head on back-to-front; another, Dotty, was in the reject bin because she’d had paint splashed over her, etc.  If you grew up about the same time as me, you might be about to start singing the theme tune, but wait a minute.  ‘Raggy dolls … made imperfectly’?  I want to tell you you’re not made imperfectly; you’re made wonderful.  You’re made in the image of God, and whatever imperfections you think you have aren’t imperfections at all.  His fingerprints are all over you.  That’s why I’m sharing this Steven Curtis Chapman song – as a reminder to anyone who doesn’t feel beautiful or precious:  “You’re a Masterpiece, that all creation quietly applauds”, so if you want to know how it feels to see a stunning piece of art, look in the mirror.

13 thoughts on “31 Days of Song: “Fingerprints of God”

  1. Psalm 139 is on the same theme. Sarah, you might think of linking this post to yesterday’s Daily prompt – “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. It doesn’t strictly answer the question set for writing, but it is not an exam! Sue

  2. Ah, so lovely and so true. Easy to get caught up in the lies of what the world thinks beauty means, but I love the reminder that we are God’s masterpieces!

    • I liked your latest post too, and how clearly you pointed out that true beauty starts with a relationship with Jesus and then we can become more like Him. It’s great that we can all write these 31 Days posts and sometimes they end up so similar.

    • Oh, I’m glad you’ve been reading. It’s nice to know I’m pitching it right; I’m trying to choose a variety so that everyone will enjoy at least 1 or 2 of the songs.

      Looking forward to reading more of your posts on the wonder of womanhood; I only saw day 7 earlier, so wondered if you were ok.

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt – Eye of The Beholder – Poem / Poetry – “Acoustiscal Tonic” | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

  4. Pingback: ACCOUSTICAL TONIC | hastywords

  5. Pingback: 2013 – my Top 10 | Faith, Life and Compassion

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